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Friends of Aireys Inlet Valley and Coastal Reserve are committed to protecting the cliff-top coastal reserve at Aireys Inlet and the areas of wetlands that exist in lower Painkalac Creek and Mellors Swamp. These areas are of considerable environmental significance and have suffered from invasion of exotic weeds over many years.

Conservation covenants between the Surf Coast Shire and Trust for Nature have been placed on the Painkalac Creek and Mellors Swamp.

The main focus of the Friend’s group is to conserve the coastal reserve and wetland environment by involvement in the following:

  • Removal of environmental weeds.
  • Monitoring of area for regrowth and removal of environmental weed seedlings.
  • Preventing any further loss of indigenous vegetation.
  • Working with the relevant management organisations to implement conservation programs that recognise the significance of the area.

Roger Ganly
PO Box 11 Aireys Inlet 3231
Phone 5289 7479, email

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