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Fairhaven Embankment stabilisation work

Fairhaven Embankment Slippage

The Surf Coast Shire will begin work shortly to stabilise the embankment on the Fairhaven side of the bridge. We understand that the works will follow the slope contours and the extent of earth works will be kept to a minimum. Moving the top swale drain into the earthworks will keep the disturbance to a single area and an existing eroded gully near the creek will be used for a pipe rather than creating another disturbance.

The footpath will be closed but there will be traffic control personnel assisting with traffic management.

The Shire is working with DEECA to determine what plants will be used to revegetate the area.  Ideally these will be deep-rooted but capable of surviving the regular slashing that will occur for fire management. It is possible that hydro mulching might be used to revegetate the area in preference to tube stock. Hydro mulching uses a mixture of water, seed, fertiliser and cellulosic mulch which is sprayed onto the area. We have asked that AIDA be informed about the plants that will be used and what method will be used for the revegetation work.

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