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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Remembered Website

A new website that hosts AIDA’s oral and pictorial archive of the 1983 Ash Wednesday fires was launched on 2nd December 2023. The link to this website is

The bushfires that ravaged the coast from Eastern View to Aireys Inlet and on to Anglesea on 16 February 1983 were the most devastating event of the last century in our region. Quite apart from the terrible tragedy of loss of life, and the shock for many people of losing loved houses and possessions, the fires had a profound impact on everyone who lived through them. On the 40th anniversary of the fires, this project preserves some of the memories of those who were there.

AIDA secured funding for the project under the Community Initiatives Program of Surf Coast Shire. The funding was supplemented by a donation from the Corr family and from AIDA reserves. The project was completed by Alex Watkins, a video and audio producer from Aireys Inlet.

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